A hybrid remote work system splits time between working from home and workplace. As employers reopen workplaces amidst the pandemic, there’s an increasing concern about workers’ safety when they resume working in public offices. Many employees now prefer working for some time in the workplace and at home for the remaining time.
According to a Salesforce report, 74 percent of Generation Z employees prefer working both from home and in conventional workplaces, even if things get back to normal. After all, remote working comes with numerous benefits, making the hybrid working model more feasible to fulfill both the employers’ and workers’ interests.
Hybrid remote work is the future of employment. Here’s how business owners and employees alike feel about this arrangement. #Enstep Share on X
Benefits of Remote Work
Many employees want to work from home due to the countless benefits of remote work. Workers at home have no commute, after all, and tend to enjoy more flexibility. Many also report feeling more productive. All of the above can increase staff morale, which contributes to high employee retention for the business, in addition to lowered office costs since the office isn’t constantly occupied. Businesses that have experienced these benefits will most likely continue with the trend when the economy reopens fully.
Drawbacks of Working from Home
One of the biggest downsides of working in home offices is the isolation of colleagues. It limits interaction between workers, potentially reducing teamwork in an organization. Working from home could also be a disadvantage if a company doesn’t have effective systems for the sudden transition. In that case, misaligned work culture, lack of essential tools, and wrong management could result in negative remote work experiences. While effective communication tools can boost teamwork, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Every company deals with different drawbacks of remote work.
Balancing Company Needs and Employee Preferences
Not every business is ready to endorse full-time remote working, especially those lacking essential tools for remote work. At the same time, plenty of employees prefer working from home to commuting to their workplaces every morning. Companies that enjoy the pros of remote work are willing to continue with the strategy. But for those who struggle with working at home, the question is more complicated.
One potential solution is to offer a hybrid system. For example, a typical workweek may have employees physically come to the office on Tuesday and Thursday, while working mostly or entirely from home on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Another solution may require employees to visit the office for in-person meetings while the bulk of their work happens at home. Such an approach allows both sides of the equation to get their way part of the time. Give companies the in-person interaction they often want, and allow employees to enjoy the flexibility and relative freedom that at-home workdays provide.
Planning for the Future of Remote Work
Some companies with advanced technology systems plan to adopt the hybrid remote work model to safeguard their business’ and employees’ interests. With improved communication systems and remote meetings, it’s entirely possible to have a largely normal work week with most or all of your workforce outside the office.
Contact us to learn more about hybrid remote work systems.