The chances are that you’ve used a hard drive or cloud storage before, but you may still have difficulty choosing what’s best between cloud storage vs hard drive. The truth is that many organizations are shifting their focus from the traditional data storage solution to cloud storage services. However, some companies still use hard drives to store data.
Both cloud and hard drives are standard solutions for storing and securing data. However, each storage solution has unique strengths and weaknesses. For example, you can quickly run out of space with a hard drive rather than cloud storage. However, hard drive storage is cheaper than cloud-based data storage.
Now, let’s look at the pros and cons of cloud versus hard drive storage solutions. Share on XBenefits of Cloud Storage
Storing data in the cloud has numerous benefits, especially when using reliable cloud storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive. They offer sync technology to synchronize multiple devices with your online accounts automatically.
When you store files in the cloud, you can access them anywhere using any device so long as there’s an internet connection. You won’t lose data when a disaster strikes and damage your office. However, the cloud can be costly when storing large data volumes.
Using an External Hard Drive
Physical hard drives are traditional storage solutions and cheaper alternatives to cloud storage devices. Data is stored in an external hard disk and not in the cloud. The good news is that they are cheaper as you’ll not pay subscription fees like for the cloud.
Hard drives also offer significant storage capacities of between 1TB and 15TB, but they don’t provide an online backup solution. The chances are high that you’ll lose important files when hard drives fail. Besides, hard drives are more vulnerable to theft.
Best Storage for Important Information
You need to invest in the best storage solution to ensure that your photos, videos, and documents are safe and readily available for future use. External hard disks are fast, affordable, and easy to use. However, they are not as reliable as cloud storage.
Cloud storage is the most secure and reliable solution but may not be as faster and cheaper than external drives. The good news is that cloud services have applications for major operating systems. Besides, their security and syn technology make them better.
Setting Up the Right Data Storage for Your Business
So far, you’ve learned the pros and cons of cloud storage vs. hard drive solutions. The storage solution you choose will depend on the data you want to store and the storage capacity you need. It would be best if you also considered how you would like to access the data in the future. You may use both storage solutions to maximize their benefits.
Connect with us to help you set up the best data storage solution for your business.