Using Twitter to Your Business Advantage

by Enstep Team | Nov 8, 2010 | Articles

It’s common knowledge these days that social networking websites such as the hugely popular Twitter can be used not only as an online socializing medium, but also as a powerful business tool.

However, not everyone becomes as successful as they want to. Here are a few tips experts recommend you follow when using Twitter:

  • Pick who you follow. Many people think that Twitter is all about getting as many followers as possible and following as many people as possible. However, while it’s true that Twitter numbers can be powerful, it’s also important to remember that the quality of the Tweets you follow also counts for a lot.
  • Plan ahead. Make things short and sweet. If you make it a habit of Tweeting at exactly 140 characters, you might want to rethink that. In case some of your followers decide to re-Tweet you, characters at the end of the Tweet will be lopped off to make room for “RT (insert Twitter username here)”. So if you have valuable information at the end of Tweet like a link for example, it becomes incomplete.
  • Tweet at peak times. Try to determine the time when you have the biggest number of people viewing you. That way, you can get your message across much more effectively to as much people as possible.

If you want to know more about maximizing your Twitter account for your business, please contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Published with permission from Source.

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