Old Programs can Get Stale, in More Ways than One

by | Nov 12, 2010 | Articles

One of the more subtle ways hackers use to get malware into your system is through programs that are not up-to-date. This is why it is essential that your programs be upgraded regularly, especially with the latest security patches that plug up the holes in the system.

One of the more subtle ways hackers use to get malware into your system is through exploiting programs that are either old or not up to date.

Naturally, most programs are not perfect when they first come out, and hackers are always out to exploit weaknesses in the design and infrastructure of these programs. This is why developers constantly send patches and updates to their clients and subscribers.

Programs that do not have these patches and updates that fix vulnerabilities in the system are very viable entry points through which malware can enter your system. Also, older programs on your system might be phased out, which means the developer is not releasing patches or fixes for them anymore.

This is why it is essential that your programs be up to date, especially with the latest security patches that plug up holes in the system. And if there are programs that are beyond their expiration date or aren’t being used any longer, it’s a waste of space and resources to keep them installed in your computers. It’s important that you regularly check the status of your programs to make sure that they’re always in tip-top shape.

If you’d like to ensure that the programs you use are always patched, updated, and safe, please contact us so we can sit down with you and develop a customized security system that meets your specific needs.

Published with permission from TechAdvisory.org. Source.

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