Collaborative Environments that Support the needs of Millennials on a Daily Basis
The modern day office environment has taken a shift from stale conference rooms. Millennials in the work force have replaced bleak walls, stiff chairs and long tables with comfortable furniture and an inviting atmosphere. It has become increasingly important to create highly functional conference rooms that provide efficiency and keep team members’ thoughts churning. Let’s discuss some of the ways you can improve your meeting spaces.
Huddles Rooms for Remote Teams
As working remotely has become more of a “norm”, some millennials visit the office for the sole purpose of collaborating with their team and clients. Huddle rooms provide an excellent setting for small groups of employees to gather to share ideas and touch base on a weekly or biweekly basis. Supplement your larger conference rooms with several huddle rooms, and you have the perfect collaborative environment for your team!
Conference Room Automation Technology
Equip your office with conference room automation technology. Replace the dusty projector and whiteboard combo with modernized audio and video display units. This is a fantastic way to video conference and screen share with remote employees and clients. Make sure there are plenty of well-placed electrical outlets for plugging in laptops, tablets and other technology. Automated A/C controls and lighting are both impressive and efficient.
Creativity Thrives in Comfortable Environments
Millennials love working in comfortable environments. When possible, it’s a great idea to use comfortable furniture like oversized couches and chairs in place of traditional tables and chairs. You will be amazed at the hard work and dedication put into each project when your office is trendy and inviting.
Beyond the Conference Room
Reaching beyond the meeting space, there are things you can do for your business as a whole that will help automate your collaborative environments. For instance, equip your business with a reliable high-speed wifi connection and consider incorporating cloud services to allow easy file sharing. Technology has so much to offer in creating highly productive work environments for your team.
Bringing your meeting spaces to the 21st century goes far beyond appearance. It’s about automation, efficiency and providing the best workspace for brainstorming and creative thinking. Learn more about our Conference Room Solutions or Contact Us today!