Lost device? Track it with Prey

Possibly one of the most frightening things we can experience is suddenly finding out that our work laptop, or phone has gone missing, and with it vital data. This can be a devastating setback, as there is a pretty high chance you may not recover your device. Luckily,...

Three aspects of BCP resiliency

February was an interesting month in terms of disasters. First there was the incident at the Super Bowl where half the stadium's lights abruptly went out leaving the game suspended and millions of viewers wondering what was going on. Then there was another Super Storm...

Surface Pro’s important specs

The Microsoft Surface RT released back at the end of October last year, garnered some fairly negative reviews, creating a slight worry that the more powerful version, Windows Surface Pro, would also be a machine to pass over. Now the Windows Surface Pro has been...

Social media helps vet new hires

Social media plays an important role in many people's daily lives. Not only that, but companies have also found that having a presence can go a long way toward securing that all important sale. There are numerous other ways you can use social media to improve your...

Next big security threat: UPnP

It seems that nearly every month there's a new security threat to a company's networks and computer systems, it really never ends does it?. A lot of the recent threats have taken advantage of software bugs or glitches, but a recent warning from numerous security...

Money tight? Cut printing costs and save

One common business term thrown around with relish is overhead. In business this is usually known as ongoing expenses incurred in operating a business. This operating expense is something all companies have, and in tight economic situations it's often one of the first...

Bigger data may not be better

At the end of each year publications, regardless of their audience, publish lists of top trends from the previous year. When it comes to tech, many noted that a new concept - big data - was gaining ground and becoming an increasingly popular trend. While big data is...


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